Having a classroom pet can be a lot of work.  We at Pets in the Classroom understand that teachers take on additional responsibility when choosing to have a classroom pet.  But the benefits are so great!


  • Pets aid in improving school attendance
  • Pets teach children about responsibility
  • Pets build self-esteem
  • Pets encourage nurturing
  • Pets bring new ways to learn
  • Pets enrich the classroom experience


Take a look at the comments from teachers on our Facebook page to see how their classrooms have been impacted by their animal addition.  The benefits of classroom pets are enormous!


If the extra responsibility of having a classroom pet is still too much for you to take on now, we understand.  Having one is a commitment that a teacher should not take lightly.  But if you ARE considering getting a classroom pet, we want to help!  A Pets in the Classroom grant will provide you with financial support to purchase your pet and pet supplies.  Even after the initial purchase of your pet, Pets in the Classroom will continue to support you annually through our Sustaining Grant!

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